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Wisconsin Ginseng: A Comprehensive Guide From Seed to Supplement

You’ve heard of ginseng. You probably even know that it's used for medicinal purposes. But did you know that the state of Wisconsin is famous for producing some of the highest quality American ginseng in the world? Wisconsin ginseng has a special history and properties that set it apart. Join us as we explore the story of Wisconsin ginseng from seed to supplement.

Table of Contents:

What is Wisconsin Ginseng?

Wisconsin ginseng, scientifically known as Panax quinquefolius, is a perennial herb prized for its roots. While ginseng is native to hardwood forests in eastern North America, it truly thrives in Wisconsin. Wisconsin offers the perfect environment for cultivating ginseng thanks to its rich soil, shaded forests, and cool climate. This ginseng is grown throughout a large swath of central Wisconsin by hardworking farmers who dedicate themselves to sustainable practices.

The History of Ginseng in Wisconsin

Believe it or not, ginseng has been a part of Wisconsin's story for over 150 years. It was first discovered in the 1800s by a missionary traversing the state. Back then, wild ginseng was plentiful, and its discovery ignited a rush of harvest. This wild American ginseng was a highly sought-after commodity in the international marketplace, particularly in Asian countries where its use was deeply rooted in traditional medicine.

As demand for wild ginseng continued to surge, concern for the plant's long-term sustainability became paramount. By the 20th century, over-harvesting led to a sharp decline in the population of wild ginseng, leading to strict regulations regarding harvesting and exporting. The CITES, formed in 1975, ensures international trade of wild plants (and animals) won't threaten their survival. To further address these concerns, farmers in Wisconsin started to cultivate ginseng, giving birth to a thriving industry.

Why is Wisconsin Ginseng So Special?

Wisconsin ginseng is renowned for its quality and high levels of beneficial compounds called ginsenosides. Ginsenosides are thought to be responsible for ginseng’s wide-ranging health benefits. These powerful compounds have been found to offer several health benefits, including improved blood sugar levels and pain management.

Wisconsin ginseng is considered to be some of the highest quality ginseng in the world. Several factors contribute to its quality, including:

Factor Description
Climate Wisconsin's unique climate, marked by cool winters and moderate summers, proves to be especially favorable for ginseng cultivation.
Soil The soil in central Wisconsin is ideal for ginseng roots to develop. This nutrient-rich composition helps them absorb essential nutrients needed to produce those potent ginsenosides we discussed.
Dedicated Farmers The ginseng industry in Wisconsin relies on a network of experienced farmers who have developed expertise over generations. They are committed to sustainability, practicing careful cultivation techniques, and adhering to regulations to maintain Wisconsin’s high standard for ginseng quality.
The Wisconsin Ginseng Board (WGB) Committed to excellence, Wisconsin ginseng undergoes rigorous testing by the WGB. Their work sets high standards for the entire industry. All harvested plants are meticulously inspected, ensuring they’re free of harmful contaminants and meet stringent benchmarks. This rigorous scrutiny ensures consumers consistently get their hands on top-tier Wisconsin ginseng products.

How to Grow Wisconsin Ginseng

Our ginseng seeds are easy to grow and can be planted in a variety of soils and climates. They are also free from any harmful chemicals or additives, making them a safe choice for your gardening needs.

When you choose our ginseng seeds, you can trust that you are getting a product that is backed by science and is guaranteed to produce a successful harvest. With proper care and cultivation, your ginseng seeds can grow into healthy, mature plants that can provide numerous health benefits. The root takes several years to mature, but once it does, it can be harvested and used for a variety of purposes.

Using and Consuming Wisconsin Ginseng

Wisconsin ginseng is available in a variety of forms, including:

  • Whole Roots: Dried whole ginseng roots can be steeped to brew a tea. They are also traditionally used in various recipes, especially soups.
  • Powdered Roots: Wisconsin ginseng powder, made from finely ground ginseng roots, offers versatility. It’s a simple way to incorporate the health benefits of ginseng into your daily routine. Sprinkle it in smoothies, teas, or other drinks. You can even use it as a supplement for an extra boost of energy and focus.
  • Slices: Ginseng slices, often found in tea bags, provide an easy and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of this powerful herb. Simply steep a tea bag in hot water for a few minutes.
  • Capsules and Extracts: American ginseng extract can also be taken in the form of capsules or extracts, which may be more palatable than raw ginseng.

Asian ginseng is another popular type of ginseng, but Wisconsin ginseng is unique in its own right.

Interested in wild ginseng? Remember it’s important to know Wisconsin's laws around harvesting. Harvesting wild ginseng without a ginseng harvest license is prohibited. Ginseng harvest licenses are issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and allow licensed individuals to harvest wild ginseng for personal use, but you’ll only want to harvest during the designated season (September 1 to November 1).

Even with a license, ginseng can only be harvested with the property owner's permission. Certain areas are strictly off-limits for harvesting. Most importantly, sustainability is paramount, so when you’re harvesting make sure you leave younger plants undisturbed and replant the seeds from any mature ginseng you pick. You can identify mature ginseng plants by looking for the stem scar on the root neck. The more stem scars, the older the plant.

Individuals or businesses who deal with wild ginseng in Wisconsin—including buying or selling it—are required to have a valid Wisconsin wild ginseng dealer’s license according to Wisconsin law. Dealer licenses, which run from July 1 to June 30, are categorized into classes. The license classification dictates how much ginseng can be purchased annually. Class A licenses permit the purchase of up to 100 pounds of dried wild ginseng per year, while Class C allows for an unlimited quantity. Applications can be submitted to the DNR Customer and Outreach Services via phone at 1-888-936-7463. The DNR website offers a helpful PDF listing Wisconsin wild ginseng dealers who are properly licensed. Additionally, licensed ginseng dealers must stay on top of filing obligations. Both an annual report form and inventory report form need to be sent in by April 15 each year.

FAQs about Wisconsin Ginseng

Is Wisconsin ginseng the best?

Wisconsin ginseng is recognized worldwide for its exceptional quality. Thanks to a combination of perfect growing conditions and strict quality control, it is a popular choice for those seeking the potential benefits of American ginseng.

Can you pick wild ginseng in Wisconsin?

You can pick wild ginseng in Wisconsin, but it’s important to do so responsibly. You need a harvest license from the DNR, the landowner’s permission, and you can only pick during the designated harvest season (September 1 to November 1). It is important to be aware of all regulations before picking wild ginseng in Wisconsin. You can learn more about wild ginseng regulations by checking out the Wisconsin DNR's guide.

How much is Wisconsin ginseng per pound?

The price of Wisconsin ginseng per pound varies depending on many factors like age, size, quality of the roots, market demand, and where it’s being purchased. To get a current estimate you’d want to check with various ginseng retailers and dealers. Remember to make sure they’re properly licensed. You can find a list of licensed dealers on the DNR’s website.

What is Wisconsin ginseng used for?

Wisconsin ginseng has long been valued for its medicinal properties. Many people believe it offers a number of benefits like improving energy levels, boosting immune function, and helping with cancer-related fatigue. You can consume Wisconsin ginseng by making a tea, blending it into a smoothie, using it as a dietary supplement, or even adding it into recipes. The uses of ginseng in cooking are wide ranging. The versatility of ginseng gives users options to try it in whatever way best fits their preferences.


From its storied past rooted in dense forests to its current cultivated excellence, Wisconsin ginseng holds a unique place. This esteemed herb, loved for its powerful health benefits, has become synonymous with quality, a testament to the hardworking ginseng growers who take great care cultivating this plant. If you’re seeking natural wellness solutions or just an intriguing new addition to your life, try incorporating some Wisconsin ginseng.

Dairyland is a family-owned company that has over 40 years of experience growing ginseng. In 2018, Dairyland decided to bring products to the market. With Generations of experience in growing ginseng, we strive to bring the highest quality product to the market. Our roots come from rich, fertile Wisconsin soil and are handled with care to maintain their premium quality. American ginseng helps provide and boost energy for the fatigued. Ginseng roots' popularity has extended worldwide as a leading source of natural health enhancement over the last two hundred years. The Dairyland mission is to create a brand that is trusted and associated with providing the highest quality ginseng.

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