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wisconsin grown ginseng garden. Stratified ginseng seeds

Wisconsin Ginseng Seeds: Your Guide to Successful Planting and Harvesting

Planting your ginseng can be a rewarding and potentially profitable venture, especially when it comes to sourcing quality seeds. If you're interested in getting started, Wisconsin ginseng seeds are known for their quality and resilience.

This post explores everything you need about Wisconsin ginseng seeds, from selecting the right source to planting and harvesting techniques. Wisconsin, often dubbed the "Ginseng State," is leading in American ginseng cultivation. With its favorable climate and experienced growers, the state provides a rich history of producing high-quality ginseng.

Table of Contents:

Why Choose Wisconsin Ginseng Seeds?

Wisconsin has a reputation for producing top-tier ginseng. The state's unique blend of climate and fertile soil creates ideal growing conditions for American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Also, many Wisconsin growers have passed down their expertise through generations, perfecting the art of cultivating ginseng for both seed production and root harvest.

Source Matters

It is essential to pick seeds from a reliable supplier. A supplier's expertise can mean the difference between a bountiful ginseng harvest and disappointment. Reputable suppliers of Wisconsin ginseng seeds, like Dairyland Ginseng, offer stratified seeds.

These seeds have already undergone a cold treatment to simulate natural winter conditions. This preparation boosts the chance that your seeds will sprout come spring.

Benefits of Wisconsin Ginseng

The ginseng grown in Wisconsin is known for its exceptional quality. It's often sought after for its medicinal properties and robust flavor. Wisconsin ginseng seeds tend to be bigger, giving you more bang for your buck. Reputable sellers generally offer 8,000 to 10,000 Wisconsin ginseng seeds per pound, giving you a great starting point for your ginseng patch.

Understanding Ginseng Growth

Cultivating ginseng, whether from Wisconsin ginseng seeds or rootlets, takes patience. It typically takes a ginseng plant three to ten years after planting to reach a harvestable age, making it a long-term endeavor. The payoff, however, can be worthwhile.

Appalachian Region Suitability

The Appalachian region boasts growing conditions similar to those of Wisconsin. Its rich forests and shaded slopes provide the perfect natural environment for ginseng to flourish. Planting Wisconsin ginseng seeds in the Appalachian region can be a smart move if you're looking to cultivate ginseng.

You can mimic the ideal environments found in Wisconsin. Wisconsin ginseng seeds are bred to handle cold conditions, a benefit in many Appalachian climates. Consider planting your Wisconsin ginseng seeds in a food plot to help them thrive.

Planting Your Wisconsin Ginseng Seeds

Growing ginseng requires attention to detail, and planting Wisconsin ginseng seeds is no exception. For optimal success, fall is typically the ideal planting season for ginseng, late summer to early fall.

Step-by-Step Planting Guide:

  1. Site Selection: This is the crucial first step. Pick a spot with well-drained soil, plenty of shade, and a good layer of leaf litter that mimics a natural woodland setting.
  2. Soil Preparation: Break up the soil, remove rocks, and create furrows about six inches apart for your Wisconsin ginseng seeds.
  3. Seed Spacing: Scatter seeds about an inch apart within the furrows. This spacing ensures each plant has room to grow.
  4. Covering the Seeds: Gently cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil and top it with the leaf litter you collected. Aim for about an inch of covering in total.
  5. Protection: Consider adding a layer of wire mesh over the area to protect your Wisconsin ginseng seeds from critters looking for a snack. Mice, in particular, might enjoy your planted seeds. Slugs are also a concern because they will suck the stems of your seedlings, impacting their growth. You could also encounter challenges with turkeys scratching up the ground as they hunt for insects, which could disturb your planting.

Caring for Your Ginseng Patch

Cultivating ginseng isn't just about planting; it also requires consistent care and attention. Watch for signs of disease. Applying a fungicide like GreenCure®, mentioned on the Territorial Seed website, might help protect your ginseng plants. Proper prevention measures and identifying any disease early on are key to successful growth.

Harvesting and Selling Your Ginseng

After several years of patience, it's harvest time. To allow the roots to develop fully, you'll want to select roots that are at least three to four years old and ideally around six years old.

Knowing When Your Ginseng is Ready

To determine whether your ginseng is ready, look at the leaves. Once your plants have three or four prongs, they might be nearing harvest time. You can also check for berries—they turn a vibrant red when mature, signaling potential harvest time for the root below.

Careful Harvesting

Dig carefully when harvesting your Wisconsin ginseng. Don’t damage those precious roots. It's better to dig wider than needed, ensuring the whole root is retrieved intact.

Drying Process

Next, wash your harvested roots gently to remove any soil, ensuring not to damage them. Then, dry the ginseng roots. A good method is to place them on screens or drying racks. You can find helpful guides and videos on sites like YouTube demonstrating the correct drying process.


If you plan to sell your ginseng, it's essential to know about legal requirements, especially when it comes to wild ginseng. To learn more about how Wisconsin regulates the ginseng industry, check out the state's Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) website for helpful information.

Before you begin cultivating wild ginseng, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with local laws and make sure you're compliant with any necessary permits or licenses needed in your area. This includes any necessary registration, harvesting limits, or growing guidelines specific to your region.


FAQs about Wisconsin ginseng seeds

Can you grow ginseng in Wisconsin?

Absolutely, Wisconsin is a prime location for growing ginseng. It even holds the nickname "Ginseng State." Wisconsin's ideal blend of climate and fertile soil makes it perfect for growing American ginseng, leading to the state's thriving ginseng industry.

How hard is it to grow ginseng from seed?

Ginseng isn't known to be the easiest plant to grow from seed. It needs patience and careful attention because it can take up to ten years before you're able to harvest any ginseng. However, if you follow guidelines, select quality seeds from reputable suppliers like those found in Wisconsin, and pick an appropriate growing spot (like areas in the Appalachian region, for example), it’s possible to be successful.

Is Wisconsin ginseng good?

Wisconsin ginseng is not only considered good but often exceptional. It is recognized for its robust flavor, medicinal properties, and superior quality compared to ginseng grown in other regions. Wisconsin has a strong reputation in ginseng, which translates into its seeds.

Why is it illegal to harvest wild ginseng?

Harvesting wild ginseng without the proper permits and licensing can be illegal in many areas, including Wisconsin. Because wild ginseng faces the threat of overharvesting and potential endangerment, states regulate and often limit harvests. This ensures that populations can sustain themselves over time and prevents their depletion.


From its prized heritage as the "Ginseng State" to its dedication to sustainable cultivation practices, Wisconsin offers an excellent starting point for your ginseng growing journey. Choosing Wisconsin ginseng seeds provides a reliable path for aspiring and experienced growers seeking quality and high yield. Whether your interest is medicinal or you’re drawn to ginseng for its potential profitability, remember, patience and diligence are key for a rewarding harvest.

Dairyland is a family-owned company with over 40 years of experience growing ginseng. In 2018, Dairyland decided to bring products to the market. With Generations of experience in growing ginseng, we strive to bring the highest quality product to the market. Our roots come from wealthy, fertile Wisconsin soil and are handled with care to maintain their premium quality. American ginseng helps provide and boost energy for the fatigued. Ginseng's popularity has extended worldwide as a leading source of natural health enhancement over the last two hundred years.The Dairyland mission is to create a brand that is trusted and associated with providing the highest quality ginseng.

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